• 《希瑞与非凡的公主们》讲述了孤儿阿多拉(卡莉罗饰)的故事,有一天她发现了一把魔法神剑,可以让她变身为神秘战士公主希瑞,便脱离了此前生活的邪恶的霍德王国。一路走来,她在反抗军中找到了新的家人,她集结了一群魔法公主,与邪恶力量展开终极斗争。荣获艾斯纳奖的作家和监制诺埃尔·史蒂文森(《夏令营奇遇记》、《妮莫娜》)和监制查克·奥斯汀(《疯狂原始人:欢乐登场》、《宇宙小子》)用现代视角加以演绎,把希瑞这位 20 世纪 80 年代标志性女英雄角色介绍给年轻新一代。
  • In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him... One of the first animation film with puppets. The story is taken from a from a French medieval fable.
  • Following the death of his father, Lyle Bennett sets out on an extreme weight loss journey in the hopes of reaching health and happiness. His goal will push him past his physical limits and test the strength of his mental and emotional stability.
  • 年轻空姐卡珊卓任职于廉航,每日飞往不同城市却从不观光,只想流连电音派对、沉迷酒精或在交友软体找对象。对公司来说,她是无可挑剔的员工;恪遵每条工作指南、达成每项销售目标、答应每次加班要求,甚至不声援同仁的工会活动。但在她耐心对待麻烦乘客,亲切服务倍受赞扬的完美妆容下,却没人察觉她眼底的那抹悲伤。双导演对空服员一职细心考究,延请多位航空公司职员出演,以纪录片般的精准度,呈现空服员的专业劳动。阿黛儿艾萨卓普洛斯独挑大梁,继《蓝色是最温暖的颜色》后再展自然纯粹的本色演技,女主角的荒腔走板日常,是卡夫卡式的现代寓言,抑或是寂寞伤痛的另一种诠释?
  • 16 year old Rocco's two aims in life are to get laid and to see his favourite pop star in concert with his best friends, sassy and tomboyish Maria and nerdy and quiet Mauri. When a bullying incident at school forces Rocco to come out to his divorced middle-class parents their liberal leanings are severely tested. Luckily his two friends stand by him and join him in running away from home (in his parents stolen car) to see their favourite singer in concert, followed hot on their heels by his neurotic mother and eccentric gran to hilarious effect.  A vibrant , funny coming out tale,, A Little Lust is both immersive and totally life-affirming.